Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Welcome Address


Welcome. There will be more to follow. This will be primarily a sport-centered opinion piece, hopefully on a weekly basis. I will try to stay away from facts and stats, that way I cannot be proven wrong. Thank you for caring enough about me to spend time reading what I have to say. This is an embryonic idea, but hopefully it will turn me into an ESPN analyst when my teaching days are over...


  1. I got news for you, my beloved surrogate son...your teaching days will NEVER be over! :)

  2. Brian,

    It wouldn't be emblematic of me if I didn't challenge you on this point: The lack of facts and stats at the outset does not inhibit you from being wrong. Nor does it prevent you from being proven wrong, although it may perhaps delay the process. Just a thought.

    I do, however, look forward to seeing your goofy mug on the network.

  3. embryonic...nice word

  4. Just promise me you'll bring me on your show to do one of those medical consults to explain peoples injuries and there likelihood of playing

  5. Okay dude, get started. I am so ready.
